About Us

Wasco Community Church is a non-denominational church located in Wasco, Oregon. We strive to create a community of disciples that are making disciples. Each in turn reaching our city and our county with the joy and hope of the Gospel. We are family friendly and work hard to create an environment where the whole family is encouraged and equipped to not only grow in their faith, but to also share it with others.
As a church our goal is to come along side parents and encourage and equip you to disciple your children. Our mission is to encourage and help strengthen your child’s faith.
We have a no host nursery as well as Sunday school classes for ages 3 (must be potty trained) through 13 during services.
The Women meet on the second and fourth Thursday at 7pm for a time of fellowship, study, and prayer. Contact Jaclyn McCurdy or Anna Alley for further details!
The Men’s group meet on the 2nd and 4th Sundays at 7pm for a time of fellowship, Bible study, and prayer. Contact James Alley for further details!